Christopher Magomba, PhD
Senior Fellow
he / him
Christopher Godlove Magomba is an Agricultural Economist, lecturer, researcher and consultant with 9 years experience in teaching, research and consultancy. Dr. Magomba is a Fellow with Iris Group, providing technical assistance on the USAID WARIDI programme in Tanzania, as part of the research team piloting a gender and social norms change intervention in WASH governance and supporting local government officials on gender integration in WASH. He also serves as technical lead on the cost-benefit analysis of Iris Group's multi-country Menstrual Hygiene Management in the Workplace action research activity, under the USAID WASHPaLS project. Dr. Magomba has worked on various research studies and consultancies such as Women’s Collective Action in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Mali (OXFAM GB), agricultural productivity and gender and nutrition effects of small-scale irrigation in various Feed the Future sites of Tanzania and land access and livelihood (USAID). He served as a member of the research team for CYMMIT’s Adoption Pathways Project, which is examined the incentives and constraints to adoption of innovative techniques in maize-legume systems among smallholder farmers with gender perspective. His research interests are livelihoods, agricultural marketing, WASH, and value chains with a gender perspective. He is currently working at the School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (SAEBS), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania. Dr. Magomba is a DANIDA fellowship scholar with a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania.
He lives in Morogoro, Tanzania.
Specialist Areas of Work
Recent Projects
Languages Spoken
English and Swahili